The Trap

The Trap is a story about men on a fishing trip to the northern woods, who wind up on a hunting trip instead. This was the first in a short series I wrote based on stories heard from other people. Aspects of this story are true then. It’s not like it’s a particularly shocking story, … Read more

‘Tis Fall

Fall is an iffy season for me. I enjoy the apples, and the smell of leaves, and the skies can be far more beautiful than at any other season. But it means that winter is around the bend, and it’s going to get darker, and so there’s a chance that days will pass without my … Read more

Oh So Good

Soda pop, or just “pop”, as we called it in Ohio, was not always like it is today. Drinking a pop was a special occasion, and closely regulated by our parents. The only soft drinks we kept around on a regular basis were ginger ale and tonic water, and those were left over from the … Read more

The Penny Box

Another of the short stories I wrote two decades ago, a time I am nostalgically referring to as my golden age of writing (golden because, at the time, I believed I would figure out how to do it), was “The Penny Box”. It was inspired by the neighborhood in which I lived at the time, … Read more

Coffee Horror Story

My first job out of college was interesting, but like so many things in life, there were good things and bad. I was on a small team colloquially known as “fly and fix”. If there was a problem with one of our computer systems that could not be handled by the local technicians and experts, … Read more