Process Review

This post will review the various processes for writing narrative fiction. I am not an expert, but I will soon be an authority. Most of my knowledge of writing process comes from trial and error, mostly error, and also from failure. The writing process refers to the steps taken and techniques used to go from … Read more

The Door-to-Door Meat Salesman

A few years ago, I was home in the afternoon on a weekday when I noticed a large man in the cul-de-sac. He happened to be black, but I like to think I’m not racist in that regard because I would take note of any stranger in my cul-de-sac regardless of race. For the record, … Read more

Unnamed Project Milestone

I have completed a draft of the “beat sheet” for the unnamed project I’m creating for Glass Cage Productions. It took the entire week I scheduled, and now I understand why so many of my other writing projects failed, or were mired in mediocrity. This was an arduous task. It surprised me because I thought … Read more

Names by year

When in doubt, make sure the character names are reasonable for the era, based on popularity of the birth year. The SSA provides listings by year, here: Very, very handy.