3rd degree joke

Third degree jokes deal with reversal of scale–something little made big, or something of great value trivialized. The most persistent example I have in my head is from when David Letterman first had a night time talk show, he had a running bit one week with a really large doorknob. It was about three feet … Read more

Nothing is Easy

I am adding content, but also cross-promoting that content on Twitter and Facebook. The hope is that people will care enough to catch up. Here’s what I have that is new and exciting: I am still finding the combination of Chris Soth’s Mini-Movie method, and Steve Kaplan’s Comedy Intensive, continuously helpful in my writing. Every … Read more

The King’s Speech Impediment

“The King’s Speech” is as great as all the hype. At least it was for me. I love period peices, and I love Helena Bonham Carter, and now I love Colin Firth (sp?). I always liked him, even in Mama Mia, but this movie had it all. Except singing. Well, actually, singing was used as … Read more

Cornering a Market

My neighbor and friend, I’ll call him “Tom”, has created a lair in which he explores the recesses of his mind. He is convinced he can hatch a plan that will lead to world domination. The American dream is not unlike Hitler’s insatiable thirst for power, but in America we want to corner a market … Read more

Friendship Limbo

Growing up, there were a couple of years during which I didn’t have close friends in my neighborhood. It started when Wayne B. moved away just before Kindergarten, and there weren’t any boys my age. There were plenty of kids–a couple of girls my age, a few younger kids, and then a ton of kids … Read more