It’s nine months later and what do we have to show?

Hey good looking, where you been the past nine months?

It’s been nine months since I last emailed. Given all the troubles of the past year, I couldn’t think of anything worth sharing. Over half a million fellow Americans have died — may they rest in peace — and the trauma is even worse across the world. I was busy preparing for the worst while trying to make the best of things.

imageI’m a generally hopeful person, and I have hair (pictured on the right), but I worry a lot. As my wife will tell you, it’s a baffling mix.

I was holed up here in Michigan. In spite of all the trouble that the world has dealt with, I’ve enjoyed time with immediate family and opportunities to help each other out. We haven’t had covid (whew) but we did get a puppy. I don’t remember being quite so happy for the cold weather to break, either. And I was one of the lucky ones who worked from home.


This is Ollie.

But what did I do all that time?

I did my part to get out the vote, and learned a lot about human nature. We’ve all had a crash course in authoritarianism, voter suppression, and white supremacy. If you’re like me, you had a rude awakening about systemic racism. Those are big, important topics and I didn’t think my sarcasm was ready to tackle those topics in this newsletter, especially given how worried I am about coronavirus.


I also learned little bit about Dogecoin:

  • They started as a way to mock bitcoin
  • They’re cheap
  • So I bought some.

Recommended Reading

Over the course of the past nine months, I read a lot of newsletters (like this one, except about ‘portant stuff). If you’re at all interested, look these up:

  • Heather Cox RichardsonLetters from an American — she’s a political historian and she gave perspective on all the shenanigans going on last year with the former president’s big lie about the election being stolen, and how the GOP was enabling his authoritarianism
  • HeatedAngry about Climate — she reveals and explains how public policy and private enterprises are interfering with our ability to solve this looming disaster
  • Anne Helen Peterson on Culture — a bit on the lighter side, Anne discusses current American cultural trends
  • Garrett from the White PagesWhite people and racism — if you’re white and you want to help people of color, this guy has some great ideas
  • Zeynep Tufekci — she might be the smartest person in the world discussing what society and individuals should do about the coronavirus and the pandemic

How’s my writing, you ask?

I’m pleased with my writing. I completed and polished two novels. I spent a while querying agents but I’m pivoting to publish them myself. Last year, I had a breakthrough in storytelling and I’ve decided these two novels are ready. I’ve begun the publishing process: creating covers, interior layout, and planning the launch sequence. This next part is important:

I’ll be offering advance reviewer copies (ARCs) in the coming months. If you know anyone who loves thrillers or dystopian young-adult, please share this email (with my signup link) because reader reviews are critical to sell books.

Also, I published a couple of satire pieces you may enjoy:


Next Month

…I’ll have a couple of book recommendations and some short fiction to share with you.

Until then, get your covid vaccine when you’re eligible, wear a mask regardless, and keep gatherings to the essentials. Your health is your most important thing to defend and improve. (Your time is the next most important.) So take care of yourself and help others when possible.

Thanks for reading the Mickey Picayune.