My Reality Bites (Sometimes)

I’m usually a very upbeat person, but coming home was tough today. I had to clear a clogged drain–that was my mission for the evening. I came home to find the mailbox knocked from the post out on the curb. So in the freezing rain, I repaired that. No need to rush inside, Once I … Read more

Graduation Night

My family threw a party the day I graduated from high school. It’s was just an open house. Our extended family was there, but what I really hoped for was to have a bunch of my friends from high school there. Not a lot of them showed up. The trick is that there were probably … Read more

Cat Ovaries

We have a cat and two dogs. The cat is new, and was brought into the house as a kitten, and now it thinks it is a dog. At least, it hangs around with the dogs and is not bothered by their dog-ness. The cat still uses the litter box, so that’s cool. The dogs … Read more


My wife and I went out to dinner on a Saturday night. It was back in November, but we had an unusually cold November this year. We were downtown, which has more of a nightlife these days. After dinner, we walked down the block to a nightclub for a drink. As we neared the nightclub, … Read more

The Good Samaritan and the Hooker

The problem with hookers is that they don’t always look like hookers. They don’t always dress like the over-the-top hussies you see on old episodes of Starsky and Hutch or Beretta. Unfortunately for me, television is the extent of my training about dealing with hookers. There really needs to be a life manual for these … Read more